Building & Grounds Committee: Oversees repairs and maintenance of the library and its grounds. Works closely with the staff and volunteers.
Membership Committee: Educates and recruits members for the purpose of supporting the Association budget. Includes hosting an annual member breakfast, producing public relations materials, and planning events for members.
Finance Committee: Manages fiscal matters such as budget and capital planning, and works with Town financial officials. Assists the Treasurer and Library Director, as needed, in preparing the annual budget, and retains a CPA for an annual audit. Prepares and delivers a report at the Association’s annual meeting.
By-Laws & Policy Committee: Develops and recommends revisions to the By-Laws and Policies of the Association. The policies drafted or revised will be forwarded to the appropriate officers and/or committees for input and comment, and then presented to the Board members for approval.
Book Sale Committee: Manages and support the book sale, volunteers, and staff.
Discovery & Enrichment Committee: Prepares a series of speakers/programs for the public on a broad range of topics and provides PR, registration and technical support for in person and zoom attendees.
Personnel Committee: Negotiates the components of the contract between the Brewster Ladies’ Library Chapter of SEIU Local 888 and the Brewster Ladies’ Library Association. Work with the director to recruit staff as needed and provide guidance on workplace related issues or opportunities. Conducts a periodic review of the Library’s personnel policies. Coordinate the annual evaluation of the director and presents the findings of the evaluation to the full board, including recommended changes in compensation and benefits.
Nickerson Committee: Coordinates all aspects of the annual Nickerson Lecture. Identifies possible speakers, negotiates with agents, oversees details of the speaker’s needs and the event itself. Meets on an “as needed” basis and coordinates closely with the Library’s volunteer coordinator.
Nominating Committee: Identifies, interviews, and selects possible candidates as Board of Directors members. The Committee’s five members submit the names of new candidates to the Board in June, and at the annual meeting in July they present a slate of nominees for officers and directors.
Scholarship Committee: Seeks and reviews BLLA Scholarship applications from twelfth-graders who reside in Brewster and are planning to pursue post-secondary schooling. The Board has approved the award of two scholarships each year with the value of $2500 per award.